We are living in a fast-paced world where innovation has brought about great advances in technology in just about every area of our lives. Some of that technology saves lives, some enhances our lives and all of it limits our lives.Most people consider stress to be a negative force in life but stress is as essential a part of positive change as it is associated with changes that are negative. All good things come with a price but the price is not always that visible to us.
Take for instance the advent of getting a new job. Perhaps we are moving onward and upward for promotional, salary, a career change or just because we were treated poorly in our last employment. No matter! Even with the promise of better things to come, any change in our lives produces stress that we call "positive stressors" and this stress can affect us in other areas of our lives without our even realizing it.The adjustment that we need to make in starting a new job or career change takes a great deal of what I call "innovative energy". It can be like "starting all over".
Meeting new people, learning a new position, finding our niche within the new company, adjusting to either a new boss or a new staff and even a significant pay increase can all take their toll. It can be very exciting but at the same time, we need to realize that the changes and adjustments that we need to make can affect other elements of our lives like our primary relationships with our families, our leisure time, our spending habits, needing to work out new budgets, our socialization patterns and many others as well. We call this the "carryover effect" and this phenomenon often goes unnoticed by most people.If we can keep in mind that maintaining balance is the key to managing stress, the negative effects of those positive stressors can be avoided and/or dealt with promptly without any ramifications. Then we can enjoy the changes that we've invited as well as all of the good "perks" that go along with those changes. Listen to those who love you.
Remember it's not what you do but who you are that is most important. Don't get lost in a new job. A job is a means to an end and not an end in and of itself.
Be smart up front instead of having to look back with regret!.
.As a practicing psychotherapist for over 40 yaers, Charles Bonasera has set out to help people realize the importance of mental health issues in their lives in the form of practical methods of changing patterns that do not work. His far-reaching wisdom enables people to practice a preventive approach to deal with Life Management issues.
most especially stress-related ones.Charles M. Bonasera is a consultant and the author of MOJO SYMPHONY OF THOUGHTS, GUIDE TO A LIFE MANAGEMENT PROCESS and THE MENTAL SIDE OF GOLF. You can learn more about him and his services by going to his websites (www.
charlesbonasera.com and www.lifefusiononline.com). He would be happy to talk with you about any issues you wish and the first assessment consultation is free.
He has written and produced many CD's as well as a self-help book entitled "Guide to a Life Management Process" all of which are available through his website http://www.charlesbonasera.com He is also available for individual and group consultation for personal issues as well as offering consultive services to corporations. He also delivers Program Workshops and consultation to educational facilities. His presentations are resplendent with practical problem solving methods combined with a tasteful sense of humor.
His philosophy is emodied by the saying "learn alternative ways to happiness" and promotes the thesis that the greatest learning in life is when we don't know we're learning and when we're having fun.Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charles_Bonasera.
.By: Charles Bonasera