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Personality Test Do You Have Saintly Qualities

What kind of a person are you? At the time of test, will you prove yourself a good person or fail? All of us think that we are good persons. But when it comes to crunch, not many pass the test. They change suddenly at that moment and become a different person.Do you have saintly qualities? Are you compassionate? Are you a selfless person? Do you help others even if they don't ask you? Do you never do anything that can hurt anyone? Can you forgive your worst enemies? What kind of a person are you? How much do you know about your real self and your real attitude? What are your basic values, which will never be compromised by you? These are important questions to be raised by all of us. If at the end of our enquiry, we find that we are no saints, there is no harm.

Because that realization will make us do good deeds.How to find out if you have saintly qualities? Reflect about your actions of the day for five minutes every night. Go back to your meetings, your work and your conversations. Find out if you did something that was without any selfish motive. Find out if you did anything that might be called wrong.

Find out if you hurt anyone with your words/ find out if you praised any co-worker? Look at all the good deeds and bad deeds. Keep on increasing your good deeds and reducing your bad deeds. You are not alone. All of us do bad deeds. The important factor is realization. Once you realize about your deeds, you will automatically do more good and reduce bad, because you are basically a good person.

Try some tests and quizzes on the Internet and find out more about your real personality and if you have saintly qualities. Do it for few days, and you will feel good about yourself. That is a big achievement, bigger than any amount of money.

.CD Mohatta writes for personality tests and quizzes, business and career tests and quizzes and love and dating quizzes.

By: CD Mohatta

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